Got contract to work on RAN project

At some point between starting work on this project and this point the RAN brass decided they wanted to contract directly with Scott for the SIDA system.  I have no idea how or why that happened.

This three-year project for the Royal Australian Navy brought in around $2M and gave Scott a chance to add a lot of enhancements to his software and hardware.

The basic plan was to create a system that could be used to survey and map all Australian harbors, with all the data backed up to optical media. In the event of future hostilities the Navy could quickly survey a meandering route (called a Q-route) into the harbor and compare the sonar image of it to the original one of the entire harbor. If there were any mine-like-objects in the route, the would send divers down to confirm what they were and move them if necessary.

Authorized friendly shipping could then be given that route so they would be assured of safe passage.