Scott got more deeply involved in computers

Scott started working with a TRS-80 Model I in 1977. In 1983 he got more heavily involved in computers, buying a TRS-80 Model 100 and a TRS-80 Model 4 computer.

He had been logging fishing notes for years, and used those to help figure out the best place to fish every day, based on what he caught where on previous trips with similar weather and sea conditions.

He purchased almost $6000 worth of computer-related gear  from Radio Shack between 6/22/83 and 11/4/83.  He wrote programs to integrate information from sensors on his boat, so much of the information he had been logging was enter automatically.

Here is a list of the hardware and software he purchased.

Radio Shack Hardware Price
TRS-80 Model IV  $      2,000
TRS-80 Model 100  $      1,000
Model IV Extra  64K Nem  $          150
Model 100 Extra  8K Mem  $          120
Model IV Modem  D.C.  $          200
Printer Color  CGP-115  $          200
High-Resolution  Board  $          250
Model 100 Bar Code  Reader  $          100
Spike Supressor  $            20
Model 100 AC  Adapter  $              6
Model IV Cables  $          100
Model 100 Modem  Cable & Cup  $            75
Extra Manuals  $            25
Subtotal  $      4,246
Radio Shack Software
Alcor Pascal  $          250
CP/M  Plus  $          150
CBasic  $          100
Multiplan  $          200
Profiles III+ DBMS  $          200
Project Manager  $          100
LDOS  Operating System  $          130
Statistical  Analysis  $            30
Videotex Plus  $            50
Subtotal  $      1,210
Other Software
ENBase  $          145
Full  Screen Editor  $            30
Home  Accountant  $            75
Omniterm  $            70
Other  $          100
Subtotal  $          420
Total  $      5,876