Scott passed his written driving test on 22 March 2011 and received a certificate entitling him to take the practical driving test, which he had to do within two years. He apparently passed that test in February of 2013 and received his UK Driving License, which was good through February of 2023.
Having ridden with Scott for thousands of miles in the UK, I can say that he was a cautious and save driver. The only thing that gave him any problems was when he was on unfamiliar roads and had to read the signs at a complex roundabout and make quick decisions. Doing his own navigating he might end up going around a roundabout two or three times to figure out the right exit. However, I will admit that I had would have the same problem when I was driving on my own, if I couldn’t hear the Google Maps instructions. This was especially difficult in Wales, where the signs were in both Welch and English.