The last time Nigel saw Scott was on the 5th of April, before he went on vacation. Nigel visited him in the Bath house, and in the middle of their conversation Scott started sobbing and saying something to the effect that they (we think he meant the doctors) didn’t believe him. Stopped after a bit and calmed down. Nigel left and said he would check back with him when he returned. He called Scott a few days after he returned on the 16th, and Scott seemed calm and told him he had visited the doctor again and everything was OK.
Interestingly, while cleaning up I found a letter Scott had written to Dr Jones telling him that he was going to take him up on his offer to appoint a friend as his advocate. He appointed Nigel. This was written while Nigel was on vacation, and not given to the doctor, as far as I know…however there were several false starts to the hand-written and signed letter, so he may have sent a different version.
I also found evidence that he was exploring the effects and possible recovery from paranoia. This was in the form of sheets printed from the web and a few brochures. I don’t know that hew was acquiring this info, or if the doctor gave it to him and he was still resistant to the idea that his fears were unfounded. (When I gently tried to bring up the possibility of paranoia an year ago he became upset…that is probably part of what led to him escaping from me.)