After Scott’s dad died in 2010 and his mom declined in health to the point she couldn’t live on her own, she and Kelly, Scott’s sister, decided to put the family home on the market. When it sold the stuff in the shed obviously had to be moved. Scott called me and asked if I would move it back to a storage unit someplace. I agreed to move it to our small town of Sequim, where I could get a larger unit for less money than in Seattle.
After a couple trips to the house in Seattle to get an idea of what was there, and pack up a lot of the loose stuff in boxes, I rented the larges U-haul moving van I could get and My brother Dow and I spent a day packing it. drove it to Sequim, and spent a day unpacking. Then a few weeks getting racks set up and making maximum use of the 15×20 unit.
The stuff stayed there until February 2016 when Scott finally decided he wasn’t going to have me pack all that stuff into storage containers and ship it to Clegyr Boia.
So there was another $7800 spent to store what was mostly useless trash. I did save everything that was about Scott and his accomplishments…that is where all the pictures (which I haven’t added yet) and newspaper and magazine articles about him came from.