Email exchanges with SES

Hi Scott Johnstone,

The R2Sonic system on GEMS ship, Kommander Jack, has gone down. I need to replace it. Could you please send, on Monday for Tuesday delivery, my R2Sonic system that you have to GEMS in Devizes.

They will have a person hand deliver from Devizes to vessel from there.

Address below:

Att. Bernie Luckhoo

GEMS Survey Ltd.
St James House
St James Place
Gains Lane
Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 1FB,

Hi Scott Lafferty,

Your system is out we have a 3000m rated system in house and a Reson 8101, the system we have in-house.

Hi Scott Johnston,

What is the details of my system? As it sounds like my system is still in use from September, I will continue my Invoicing from September to now.

Also When can I see any moneys.

Hi Scott Lafferty,

From the tone of your emails clearly we have a break down in trust here, I am disappointed with the tone of your mail.

Your system was off-hired as per the issue with the range limiting I since shipped it on another hire and will report the dates once I receive them from my client at the end of this month.

The system we have in-house is set-aside for an ROV job it belongs to one of our partner companies if you are going to play games on the invoicing I can hold this system for our work.

If you had invoiced at the end of each month we would have been due you September and possibly Augusts payments the rest would have been up to date by now.

Holding back invoicing does not help the business if effects our cash-flow.

Let me know how you wish to proceed.

Hi Scott Johnston,

You say a break down in trust, you have not contacted me on any movement of my system, last word I had from you was that my system was off hire. Almost two months ago. So I would expect my system to be in your warehouse. You have not contacted me on any new business or hirings. I was not told of its movements. So yes, I have to assume it was still working from September if it was not in you warehouse.

You did not tell me that the R2Sonic was shipped on to another hire job. As the previous deal was 15 days a month for a full 12 months. That deal was stopped in 5 months, much shorter then the 12 months deal. When did it leave for this new hire?

And on payment, you said over a month ago, that you could clear the first few months invoices right away. You would of known that the payments were in the pipeline.

Earlier this year, when you need your invoices payed, I payed them as soon as I got any money in, with in a couple of weeks of you asking.

Hi Scott Lafferty,

Whatever way you want to play it.

You don’t need me telling you that you should invoice monthly, I have other creditors to pay and a cash flow plan, we are fitting you into this.

As far as communications go we can send you many emails but you don’t respond, I requested info on a ROVINS a few weeks ago and got no response.

As I do with others on sub-hires I will report your dates once our customer has reported dates to us.

@@@@ Nigel, He says ‘As he does with other sub-hires’ well that was not the deal I have with him, I don’t know or care what he does with other sub-hires, my deal was 12 months 15 days a month billed.

Hi Scott Johnston,

I was referring to communications and movement of equipment already in use by you.

As the system was off hire, you should of told me of any new hires and/or deals.

Any new hires would be from warehouse-to-warehouse, or on the monthly deal for many months.

When did the this new project start ? What type of deal is it ? What are the details?

I did send 5 responses to your response on the ROVINS last month, and latter I did mention on the phone that it was most likely going on a job for GEMS towards.

As for your email of a few days ago, the ROVINS it was already shipped on a project before your email last week.

———-Attached below sent 3 days before —–
Hi Scott Lafferty,

Do you have the following equipment available?

1 x Subsea Rovins
1 x G882 Gradiometer frame 1.5m spacing
———— Attached end ———–

Hi Scott Johnstone,

Equipment availability is one thing, and movement of physical and contractual equipment is an other thing.

If I had any of your equipment, you would make sure, I would tell you every movement and potential movement of your equipment.

Hi Scott Lafferty,

Two way communications Scott and clearly there has been a lack of it both ways..

Hi Scott Johnston,

Ok, communicate with me, on what is the new job deal with this new hire.
