He arrived on 24 October 2007 and stayed for 91 days. This was for an offshore survey with the last 18 days on holiday.
This was shortly after starting to negotiate the purchase of the Clegyr Boia property in St Davids, and during the trip he exchanged several emails with people involved with that. I will include some information from those about the trip.
[Not sure who this was to]
Its a bit the same on-board the ship, as we have 24 English speaking survey crew and 20 Russian speaking ships crew, and not an interpreter among us. Lots of hand waving going on. I wonder if Vodka will help???
Oh, by the way, we’re are still in port right in the centre of Cape Town, in the harbour’s party district, sun shinning, beer in hand, surf’s up, barbecue going, shopping’s great……..you get the picture!!!
Please send all future emails to lafferty@globalnet.co.uk as this will be the only address I will get on-board the ship.
Hi Adele,
The ship had run into a large entanglement of rope. It was manic all day as 10 of the ships crew, worked on getting the ship clear of the entanglement. It could have been much worse, if the large rope got entangled into the propeller, we would have been drifting for days before a tug boat could get out to us and over a week to tow us back to Cape Town. On the good side, we had seals, whales and hundreds of many types of sea birds flying and diving around us in the bright sunny day. The odd thing about the very very calm and flat sunny day we had on that day was that it was the only day like it this whole trip so far. If we had got entangled on any other day it would have been very ugly in deed.
For three days I only got about 10 hours sleep. One of the sub-contractors onboard is having many equipment failures, of which is stopping the survey from going forward. I seem to be the only one tracking down the problems and getting on with it. Last night was the first time this whole trip I got a whole 8 hours of sleep. Boy did I need that.
The seas have been rough and bouncy, just taking a shower is an adventure, bouncing from wall to wall with your eyes closed. All in good fun….I keep telling myself !!!
bouncy days and bouncy nights,
November 12, 2007 8:54 AM
From the Deep Blue Sea:
Hi Adele,
I hope everything is going well up north. It has been manic here for me, as the same sub-contractor’s equipment and two of the three personnel are still acting up. It looks like the main contractor (my client) is going to have to rerun the first 5 days of survey lines again, on there own time (ship time and overheads is at £20,000 a day) If I can decode those 5 days of data and fix it (not my job in the first place) I will same my client £100,000. I’m getting close to doing this on most of the data, but it’s a slow grind. Oh, yes I still have to do my other duties at the same time. If we have to rerun those lines, it will put the second port-call past Xmas. Where half of the crew will be changing out and going home, i.e. late for Xmas, lots of sad faces if this happens.
As far as the National Parks, I think it will be fine to give them some more time. I will send Arwel a heads-up message about you as Shaun’s Executor.
As for my bouncy nights, I sleep on the upper 5th deck of the ship with my body port-starboard. So when we get a rolling night, my head is thrown into the head board and then when it rolls the other way my feet slam into the end of the bunk. I put a spare pillow on the head board on rough nights. However, the past few days have been calmer.
Orange mornings, orange nights,
Thursday, November 15, 2007 7:51 AM
I have done a milestone, I got the main computer program I was to do from the start working at stage one. This is a whole week ahead of schedule. This is in spite of having to fix everyone else’s problems. Everyone is surprised that I got this far, including myself. Well maybe I now have time to watch out for some passing whales???
Rough days, rough thoughts,
22 Nov 2007 03:52:13
We have had some very bad weather. It’s been hard to get anything done, as we all must hang-on to the tables just to type on the computers. And of course there is my bad weather head banging on the head board, without the pleasure’s of good company!! I have been for days, trying to respond to your last email, but its tough getting personal time on the Internet/phone system. As with the bad weather, it is rough on our gear, and the ability to do a survey. So, the Internet/phone is in use more the past few days. It takes 1 hour to download a 5 meg file, so you can see how 23 people sharing one Internet/phone system makes for a busy system.
Windy days and wild night’s,
22 November 2007
Sorry for the short email.
Pain and agony, as I was taking a shower, a big wave hit the ship and I went flying against the door and hit my elbow hard on the hinge.
I’m not perfect.
I find myself not knowing what to do, but wind down, as it is too rough to work, so I started watching my favourite Xmas movie “Love Actually”, a bit of a girlie movie, but I like it. Many cheesy moment of life and of emotion, but it’s xmas.
I like to give a break to the people I think have done a great job, but better yet, are just good people, that like to help out with NO arterial motives. So, I brought on board the ship a large selection of spirit alcohol. This is what they call a “Dry Ship”, a political correct and government way of saying “NO alcohol”. But I will break the rule for people who I know deserve it. If cought, I will take full blame for what happens, as I will say I forced them….;-)
I have too say, I’m writing to you, while hiding in my room, a bit tipsy. I found a way to write longer with know one watching over your shoulder, is to write in my room, and put it on one of those memory USB sticks. Sobering, while watching Xmas movies. Well so much for the tears. I better send this before I sober up.
There is so much going on in the movie that has meaning, and I’m bobbing around in the middle of the ocean. Such good acting of reality, I miss it all.
A bit like, St Davids, where everyone knows everyone, but life goes on. I just like the music interconnect of all the moments of relationships. The writing/directing is magic.
OK, I’m a typical male and need a bit of persuasion, “Alcohol”, to open up. Many moments in the film, OK every moment, seems to relate to my life……..many characters I seem too relate to… well many…… but I’m a guy without dirction….Gin and Tonic’s are getting the best of me!!!! It is a movie that know how and when to pick the best music and song for the moment.
So many little moment of detail…I love it.
You will get to know me better this way….
OK, I miss my father, mother, brother and sister at xmas, but I’m bobbing about the sea right now, what can I do…
I’m not perfect, but I’m a man,…A classic fool at every step..
I guess this is life at sea, long periods to think about everything…
I would like to watch this film with you, while I do commentary about how, in America, the differences would be, so watch it before we watch it together…I will be brutally honest.
I’m talking random right now…
The movie, about life, is not perfect, but nice.
The music is great….well this is a running commentary..
I would like to be at such moment, any of the many moments..
I need those moments
This is strange, why am I thinking of these moments and you????
As I watch the movie, the ship might take a bog wave and my chair and me slide to the other end of the room…
Hi Adele,
I can see from your silence, that you took my last email the wrong way.
I was in a lot of pain when I wrote my last email. It was very rough for many days, and on a big ship like this, the moves of the ship are large and a lot quicker then you might think. When a chair is thrown across the room for over 10 meters, 18 people eating at the tables were all thrown to one side and all the food, stored in protectors, in the floor, you know it rough. Just before I left for this trip, I damaged a tendon in my left arm. So it’s been tough to keep myself steady with one arm. Well, hours before I sent my last email I decided to take a long needed shower. As the showers are very big, with lots of obstacles in the way, built-in seats, radiators, sink and the like, there are lots ways to get hurt as you can not use the walls to help steady yourself. I was just rinsing my face, eyes closed, when the ship hit a big wave and I went flying on my back, hitting the door hinge with my right arm elbow. Now I’m trying to steady myself on a very rocky ship with no arms to help out. There are 6 decks on this ship and going up and down the stairs without the full use of my arms is a site to see. In the passing days, my elbow is much better now and back to full strength.
I did not write that email as a brush-off, I was trying to say, be patient as things at sea are a bit hectic and communications are not the best. And on the subject of communications, the room where we all have to do all our emailing from the same system, is an open room with 10+ people looking over your shoulder all the time. No privacy on board this ship.
I’m more of a talker then a writer, as you might of guessed. Now and all through my schooling I’m a very slow writer and very bad speller. I know it’s my Dyslexia that has dogged me all my life. But at the same time it has made me what I am now. As I have always had to do things differently. And doing things differently is thinking outside-of-the-box a thing I do best. So I’m not perfect, well you new that, because I’m a man!!! 😉
A very intriguing thing with you is watching the layers pealing away. When we first meet in the road, while you were backing out of the garage, was a very stern and uninterested woman in what I might have to say. With your facial expression, you make it clear I was interrupting your space. After we talked a while, much after your imposed 5 minute limit, I could see your hard shell softening up a bit, layer #1. The following day, when we meet at 11am sharp, you had your business hard hat on. Then slowly more layers started to soften up and peal away. Even though you were putting on your business face, your Adele face was peeking through ever so slowly. More and more of Adele was sneaking out, as your one hour meeting time limit had come and gone….tic…toc…goes the clock. While we talked about life stories and the past, I could see the silent tears coming from your face. Just like pealing an onion, every layer brings more intrigue, but the essence brings tears too your eyes. Our many phone chats, meetings, emails and dinner, have shown me more of you then you might think. My life is more of an open book, I’m a bit of a story teller about my own life. I sometimes don’t realize how hard it is for some people to do the same. But watching you telling your story ever so slowly and delicately, is like watching a bud turning into a flower in spring time. As each layer of peddles opens up, one at a time, what will she turnout to be? How many smiles will she put on peoples faces? Well, she has already put a smile on one face…..mine!!!
Ever watching for the flower,
I was calling you with all good intentions. I was not at all saying that you were deceiving me in any way, and I’m sorry that you took it that way. You have always told me upfront what you knew when you knew it. I was only bringing up how I remember our day of negotiations. And the only topic I brought up in the phone call was how I thought how we talked about, that the west building had 2 boats and the pit area 4 or more boats. That is the only thing I brought up. I do not see how this is perceived as deceiving, mislead or misguiding, I was just stating what I recalled. I had never said or insinuated these words to you on the phone call.
I was hoping to tell you my plans as I value your help, knowledge, experience and input. You have dealt with the Pembroke Parks and you know them well, and your input would have been appreciated.
As I said in the previous email “The deal you gave me is a good deal” and I still think it is. All I was looking for is a one month extension to get paperwork through the Pembroke Parks system as a prospective buyer and getting a planning agreement in principal that my planned alterations are worthy of a full planning permission application. This is not a show stopper if this does not workout, as it is just a way to get it through the system quicker.
As the comments I made were out of spontaneous frustration, and that money was never the issue, I am not asking for a £10000 reduction. I am still wanting to go through with the sale. I look forward to building boats at Clegyr Boia.
Hi Adele,
First things first, the plan I wanted to talk to you about, is NOT and was NOT what we had ended up talking about. Things just seemed to spiral out of control, so let’s take it slowly.
On Friday evening I really thought it was Wednesday and I new that I had to call you so I email you tell you about my plan to call so you would have a chance to email back if it was a bad time for me to call. I checked my emails before I called, no email, so I called.
I started the conversation saying that I was talking to Arwel about the site. I was trying to tell you what I was planning to do with the Parks, but you kept on pushing me to get to the bottom line. You were very aggressive. I continued trying to say how I was dealing with Arwel, but no, I think you were looking for a fight and I could not seem to go forward. After trying a few more time, and no joy, you were putting me on the defensive. I didn’t expect that from you. With the fact that I have had little or no sleep for most of this trip, I just started blurting out subjects and issues I had no intention bring up at all. I had NO intention to ask you for a price reduction. The deal you gave me is a good deal, but when I could not talk to you, and you did not want to listen to what I had to say, well…..I just had to do something and started coming up with any kind of defence. I guess I just felt like all you wanted to know about was money, so I responded spontaneously. When you asked me how much, how much, I paused as I was not thinking in that way, and just picked a number at the top of my head.
Yes I called to work out a deal with you, but I was NOT to reduce the price, it was to work out a deal on the timeline so I could get some paperwork into the Pembroke Park as a prospective buyer. If I do a deal now I’m not a prospective buyer, but an owner and that changes everything.
A week ago Friday I had a nice chat with Arwel. He had some good ideas for me to go forward on. In my little spare time over the past week, I’ve been busy writing up plans and a more detail business plan for the usage if the site. I was all excited to tell you about my ideas and how it will all workout. I’ve got photos with markings and drawings on them. Detailing usages and needs for how I can make alteration to the west building area acceptable to the Pembroke Parks. I’ve been all excited of how this could work with the advice that Arwel gave to me on how to go forward. I wanted to get all my ideas sorted out before talking to you and that was the reason for the delays in getting back to you. I was very surprised and sadden that you did not what to hear what I had to say and how aggressive you were towards me.
I am more surprise at myself for letting this get to me like that. I think I just need some time off.
I’m still interested in moving forward but we need to be able to speaking and listen to each other.
Hi Adele,
I just got back from South Africa last night. The ship arrived just before New Years, but I had business with the client for awhile in Cape Town. I also did a bit of well needed holiday and went on safari, fishing, wine valley touring and some great white shark diving. I’m back now and plan to go to Pembroke today or tomorrow. Are you going to be down this week or next???
I am still interested in the purchase of the property. Before I left for my trip three month ago, I gave Penny £12,500 pounds for the Exchange of Contracts. I contacted Penny before Xmax to move towards Exchange of Contracts. Penny needed a promise of finance from Phil Daniel of HSBC. Phil said he needed a survey done on the property, so Phil was instructed to do a survey of the property for the appraisal value of the property. When I made arrangements for finance with HSBC, it was for a 30 percent down payment from myself and the 70% balance financed. This arrangement was all on track entail the survey value came in below your selling price. HSBC will currently only finance 70 percent of the lower surveyed value of £110,000. When all the sums are in, I would need to come up with an extra £10,500 pounds to make up for the finance difference.
87500 + 37500 = 125000
77000 + (33000 + 15000) = 125000
48000 – 37500 = 10500
I have made sure that all my moneys owed to me from my jobs overseas are all paid on time and were all ready for the original £37,500 pound down payment later this month. This extra up front money would mess up my whole business plan budget. As I will need money for the start-up capital needed for getting the building upgraded and other business starting costs. This has left me wonder what I should I do, how to proceed. This is all frustrating for me as I wanted get things going as soon as I got back from South Africa.
Give me a call if you like.
Traveling man,
Hi Adele,
I agree that it should move to completion as soon as possible. Just before I returned from my trip to South Africa, I called Penny to find out what the status of the paper work was and to set an appointment for this coming Monday 11:00am. I plan to stay entail Tuesday night, but I could move that date forward.
I also came down to see what Pembroke and St Davids was like in the winter. I found a nice B&B just next to the pub. It’s basically a home with all the personal belongings of a family still living there, but with the addition of extra kettles and sinks in every room. The older man running the place really cooked the biggest and best English breakfast I have ever had. I’m going to play winter tourist this weekend and go see my friend Mike. I was wondering if you were around, if you would like to meet up for a drink or coffee? I would totally understand if you did not want too.
Touring man,
The ship returned to Capetown on 28 December 2007. Scott remained in Capetown for 18 days to wrap up some of the data processing and to enjoy a bit of a holiday.
Here are a few more email excerpts:
Hi Adele,
I just got back from South Africa last night. The ship arrived just before New Years, but I had business with the client for awhile in Cape Town. I also did a bit of well needed holiday and went on safari, fishing, wine valley touring and some great white shark diving. I’m back now and plan to go to Pembroke today or tomorrow. Are you going to be down this week or next???
I am still interested in the purchase of the property. Before I left for my trip three month ago, I gave Penny £12,500 pounds for the Exchange of Contracts. I contacted Penny before Xmax to move towards Exchange of Contracts. Penny needed a promise of finance from Phil Daniel of HSBC. Phil said he needed a survey done on the property, so Phil was instructed to do a survey of the property for the appraisal value of the property. When I made arrangements for finance with HSBC, it was for a 30 percent down payment from myself and the 70% balance financed. This arrangement was all on track entail the survey value came in below your selling price. HSBC will currently only finance 70 percent of the lower surveyed value of £110,000. When all the sums are in, I would need to come up with an extra £10,500 pounds to make up for the finance difference.
87500 + 37500 = 125000
77000 + (33000 + 15000) = 125000
48000 – 37500 = 10500
I have made sure that all my moneys owed to me from my jobs overseas are all paid on time and were all ready for the original £37,500 pound down payment later this month. This extra up front money would mess up my whole business plan budget. As I will need money for the start-up capital needed for getting the building upgraded and other business starting costs. This has left me wonder what I should I do, how to proceed. This is all frustrating for me as I wanted get things going as soon as I got back from South Africa.
Give me a call if you like.
Traveling man,
Hi Adele,
I agree that it should move to completion as soon as possible. Just before I returned from my trip to South Africa, I called Penny to find out what the status of the paper work was and to set an appointment for this coming Monday 11:00am. I plan to stay entail Tuesday night, but I could move that date forward.
I also came down to see what Pembroke and St Davids was like in the winter. I found a nice B&B just next to the pub. It’s basically a home with all the personal belongings of a family still living there, but with the addition of extra kettles and sinks in every room. The older man running the place really cooked the biggest and best English breakfast I have ever had. I’m going to play winter tourist this weekend and go see my friend Mike. I was wondering if you were around, if you would like to meet up for a drink or coffee? I would totally understand if you did not want too.
Touring man,
Hi Arwel,
I hope your festive season was a good one. How is the northern cold doing? It’s very hot here in Cape Town. The ship docked a few days ago and most of the crew have flown on home, but I’m staying for a few weeks to do some project follow-ups and of course see some of the sights while I’m here. I went yesterday to see the Penguins at Boulder Beach. It was weird to see them on bright white sand on a very hot beach, not on white snow and in the cold. I’ve got lots of photos of the Penguin’s and other sea life on this trip. Later this week I hope to get some photos from the land based animals they have here in South Africa. I’ll have lots to show when I get back.
—business plan info—
Best Regards,
Hi Arwel,
I just got back from South Africa. I had a great time there. In the last weeks I went on safari and saw many animals in the wild. As it was a manly bushy landscape it was much harder to see and get close to the animals. I saw many elephants, warthogs, zebras, kudus and many other animals. The kudu was my favourite, with its high spiral antlers and great stands. But the special of the day and according to the Park Ranger a very rare site was a male lion just 3 meters away sleeping. After a long while it slowly woke up and yawned (in photo it looks like a rower) and slowly walked right by our vehicle (less then 1 meter) with not a care in the world. I don’t think once did it look at any of the people or other vehicle.
I also went on a fishing boat trip. I went with three other co-working from the ship. They all have heard how good of a fisherman I was, so they put me to the test. I would have not lived it down if I did not do a good catch. Well, they all eat crow, I got the first fish, the most fish by far, the most variety of fish and the biggest fish by double. It was a great day for me.
I also went on a great white shark dive. They chummed the sea and there they were, three great whites. It was a site to see. Fighting the chum bait and leaping out of the water chasing the bait.
I have many photos of my trips, both at sea and land.
I plan to come to Pembroke later today or tomorrow. I plan to stay entail Tuesday night but that can be moved. I would like to meet up with you for some friendly chat first. Maybe this weekend if your free. Then later I was hoping you could introduce me to Ray. It would also be nice if the three of us could at one point do a site visit so I could better explain some of my ideas about the site.
Best fishing,
Scott Lafferty
He returned to the UK on 23 January 2008. I suspect that this is when he discovered that his house in Bath had been severely damaged by a water leak in the attic while he was away. Setting this aside, he went to St Davids and wrapped up the purchase of the Clegyr Boia property.