Scott was free to leave the St Caradog facility at any time, and did so on October 4th.
Receipts that I found indicated that he went shopping on September 25 in Havorfordewest. That appears to be the only time he left the facility during his stay.
Before leaving he was seen by a nurse with the Pembrokeshire Crisis Resolution Team (CRT). After leaving he checked into the local Premier Inn, paying for an eight-day stay. That evening another CRT nurse visited him at the motel…I assume to make sure he was settling in and not feeling anxious.
The CRT nurse visited him again on the 6th, at which time he agreed to have further contact with the CRT, and to return to see the psychiatrist on October 18th. He was also provided with medication for the following week.
On the 9th Scott called to say that he was going to return to Bath, where he would stay in a holiday let until he could move into his house there. Scott had no further contact with the Mental Health Services.
On March 23rd 2018 a letter was received from a GP in Bath (this would have been Dr Jones) requesting Mr Lafferty’s notes. The letter refers to the GP having seen Mr Laffeffy on several occasions and him having presented the day before in a ‘crisis situation.’ In response to this request an email was sent to the ‘access to records clerk’ and notes were sent to the GP in Bath on April 4th.