Scott spent most of the month of March, 2018, researching physical and mental issues that the thought he had. I’m not implying that he didn’t have these issue; but I do think that as he researched some he came across related ones and ‘discovered’ he had those too. He may have had them earlier and been unaware, or he may have just not realized they were issues.
During the month of March he performed hundreds of searches, and made several lists of issues and notes about them. The earliest one I found was dated March 16th, and included the following:
Sleep Non-24-hour
Wakeup with Brain numbness sensation numbing/tingling in head, paresthesia anxiety symptoms
Aspergers syndrome
Highly Dyslexia
Sensory overload – Eye, ears, nose and skin touch with over reaction
Eye movment
Blank dreaming and thinking
Motion sickness – sitting
Lateral thinking – gone
Facial, angry look, high stress
Reading, writing and spelling
Great speaking but not now
Faces and names, bad for business
Temperature changing but ambient is the same
Food intolerance
Not finding a solusion is being “Traped”
I’m a man that lived in a box that thought “Outside-the-box”
Aspies like routine, need routine, but with Non24 it is hell
I’m a visial and verbal aspie with dyslexia so writing is hell. Can’t express myself by writing. Doing business is hell.
Sleep deprivation
Non-rapid eye movement sleep
facial grimacing
antisocial versus social-naivety
Understand that people with narcissism do not cooperate or collaborate well; you will have to learn to be independent in this type of relationship.
If you met someone who has poor self-awareness, who doesn’t show remorse, who doesn’t learn from mistakes, who can’t empathize, appreciate others feelings or even reciprocate those feelings, and he treats people like objects, would you think the person suffers from a Narcissistic Personality Disorder or from Aspergers Syndrome?
It would be a tough call wouldn’t it? It’s difficult to distinguish between the two without a clinical evaluation. Both disorders lack empathy as a guide.
ME: A Narcissist knows what your thinking by the situation they have put YOU in, a defensive postion. “Personal attack”
Book: Asperger Syndrome: A Gift Or a Curse?
My trip to Sinagal, party night, outside waiting to go home, hit on head (crack sound,shock, numbness), trip back to vessel, suddenly asked to leave vessel, trip to airport and the food stop (feeling very strange, empty, numbness), containue to airport, got home. some time later noticed balence and dizzy spells.
The second list is dated March 25th, and includes the following:
I guess I’m to defencive on impulse, and I don’t mean to, sorry. I need to clam down.
500-350 US-UK
Explain out of breath again. Drink lots of water lately.
My Non24 sleep-wake rythem, when living alone in Bath from 1994-2008 with no dogs or partner. When home, I work from home, so no need to commute. Where I had an open free running time to sleep. My sleep seamed to advance on average about 25-35 minutes a day.
Nausia, Eyes, inner ears and sound overload, please help. This started getting ‘very’ bad, about three weeks ago. Prior to that, it was low level and managable, Explained below. But this week its unbarible.
I had Candida overgroath entail I was 20-45 years old, when I had 3 eye spasums/seizures in a three weeks,15 years ago, thats what scared me into changing my diet. That was the sametime was seeing the house lights flicker, (thought it was the power grid) but latter found out it was my eyes not the grid. It was only the florecences lights and not the incondesant lights.
I gave up on Dyflucan three years prior to me changing my diet, it did not work. After the diet change, I never had an eye spasums sense or flickers. And the candida went away after 6 months. My body health got better and better.
In 2011, I was told I hit my head very hard. Some shipmates and I when’t out on the town, when waiting for our ride back to the ship, I was sitting on bum-high railing, when I fell back. However, when I got up I felt fine, but the shipmates said they heard a loud crack sound. But I felt fine and I had no markings on my head. A year latter, at our industry tradeshow, I came across those shipmates and they all wanted to know how my head was, I said it was fine. They seamed surprised. But again two years latter at the show, they said the samethings.
In 2011, I was living in the managers flat above the pub, my partner was the manager, I did not work there. The bedroom windows were not in good shape and both sound and light were an issues with my non24-sleep, there was customer tables right below the windows and the managers door would bang alot. But I would get a few REM sleeps most of the time. But it was not the best.
In 2011-2014, I did not put two-and-two together. When putting together a timeline on when my eye balance issues first started, I realized that I first noticed when walking the dogs at night, the akward walk at night, but I’m a non-drinker and was sober. It was not constant, it would come and go every few weeks. Daytimes were OK.
In 2014 we moved back into my partner house where it was much quieter and better window light covering. Not quite blackout and sound proof, but alot better. Nightime akward walk continued.
In 2015, One of my teeth sides fell off, was checked out and found usable. I still have it today. This was not the tooth the NHS surgrey took out when I had the absess/lymph node drained (2017). But it was the one behind it. The reason I bring this up is, two months after this 2015 event my nightime akward walk staided the same but my eyes were much worse with head movment day and night, much like it is now, but only 3-4 days a month. It got worse and worse up entail the 2017 surgrey. The nightime akward walk again staided the same way as above. I could walk normal in the day. Still only 3-4 days a month. But my eyes would ware out. I would just stay at home when this happened.
Some of these symptoms were things Scott had all his life, and had learned to live with. For example, anyone who knew Scott well, and knew a few other people who had Asperger’s Syndrome, would be pretty sure Scott was also an Aspie. And he had always had the strange non-24-hour circadian rhythm, and dyslexia.
But the more serious ones were much newer …the eye problems, void memory, and so on. He doesn’t mention paranoia, but this was a major cause of the stress he suffered for most of 2017.
Scott really wanted to track down the cause of the newer problems and find some resolution.